Monday, February 8, 2010

My Awkward Introduction

Despite several suggestions made by friends, coworkers, family members and at times, complete strangers, I've been reluctant to take the plunge and actually start my own blog. My hesitation stemmed mainly from the assumption that no one, aside from perhaps my mother, would ever want to actually read what I have to say (incidentally, my mother will be one of a select few who I will go to painstaking lengths to keep from ever becoming aware of this blog's existence, sorry Mom). Despite constant reinforcement that the events in my life are exceedingly outrageous, generally improbable and often a source of comedic relief for the less embarrassment prone individuals in my life, it wasn't until recently that I came to the following realization: No, this stuff doesn't happen to everyone. It was with the acceptance of this somewhat demoralizing revelation that I decided it was time to just get over it (whatever "it" is) and start writing this stuff down.

However, this decision wasn't met without further hesitation; I feared that this blog had already "been done." And not only had it "been done," but done so well that it became one of the most ubiquitous and popular television shows in recent history. Yes, I'm talking about Sex and the City. I didn't want to come off like a less glamorous, wannabe Carrie Bradshaw, with a realistically small apartment that I share with my cat, a roommate, and a shoe and clothing collection that is only slightly beyond my means. Unfortunately, I realized that no matter how I tried to spin it, that is exactly what would happen. So, instead of trying to ignore the giant, Manolo Blahnik clad elephant in the room, I decided to embrace the fact that this blog might as well be an un-Hollywoodized version of Carrie's column in the New York Star. And I'm OK with that. I'm OK with it because although many of the stories that I will share here could probably be interchanged with one of the many fictional tales of Carrie and Co.'s often improbable, usually entertaining and generally mortifying exploits around Manhattan, all of mine are true.

So, now that I've cleared the air, it is with great pleasure (and a small measure of discomfort) that I invite you to sit back, relax and exploit for the purposes of your own entertainment, the impossibly awkward string of events and encounters that make up my silly little life.

Awkward Girl

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